Loop | Tales Tiecher

Tales Tiecher

Research Scholar (December 2021 – November 2022)

Dr. Tiecher has a B.S. degree in Agronomy and M.S. in Soil Science from Federal University of Santa Maria, Brazil, and Ph.D. in Soil Sciences from the University of Poitiers, France. Since 2016 he is an Assistant Professor at the Soil Sciences Department at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. Dr. Tiecher teaches Soil Chemistry and advises MS and Ph.D. students in the Graduate Program in Soil Science. His research has focused on the chemistry of soil acidity and the biogeochemical cycle of elements in agricultural systems. At Gatiboni Lab, Dr. Tiecher developed studies with Legacy P in NC and Brazilian soils.





Jalissa Pirro

REU-BESST Student (June – August 2022)

Jalissa is an undergrad student at Binghamton Univerity majoring in Environmental Science Ecosystems. Jalissa joined our group during Summer 2022 through the REU-BESST (Research Experiences for Undergrads – Basic and Environment Soil Science Training). During the internship, Jalissa studied the effect of the long-term application of P and K fertilizers on the POX carbon in the soil.




Aiden Ferrel

REU-STEPS Student (June – August 2022)

Aiden is an undergrad student at North Carolina State University majoring in Chemical Engineering. Ayden joined our group during Summer 2022 through the REU-STEPS (Research Experiences for Undergrads – Science and Technologies for Phosphorus Sustainability). During the internship, Ayden studied how plants can access legacy P from soil.




Carolina Coneglian

Ph.D. Student Visitor (September 2022 – November 2022)

Carolina has a B.S. degree in Agronomy and M.S. In Agronomy from the Maringa State University, Brazil. Currently, she is a Ph.D. candidate in Soil Science at the Maringa State University, Brazil. Carolina spent three months in an internship at our lab working with Soil Phosphorus fractionation in Brazilian soils.






Andria Lima

Ph.D. Student Visitor (January 2023 – December 2023)

Andria has a B.S. degree in Agronomy and M.S. In Agroecosystems from the Santa Catarina Federal University, Brazil. Currently, she is a Ph.D. candidate in Soil Science at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. Andria is doing a 12-month internship at our lab working with Phosphorus fractionation in NC soils.

Contact information: aplima@ncsu.edu

3105 Williams Hall




Morgan Merritt

REU-BESST Student (June – August 2023)

Morgan is an undergrad student at Lafayette College majoring in Geology. Morgan joined our group during Summer 2023 through the REU-BESST (Research Experiences for Undergrads – Basic and Environment Soil Science Training). During the internship, Morgan calibrated a handheld spectrophotometer to do quick field measurements of plant available phosphorus.